Strawberry and Apple Jam

I’ve spent this morning making jam from the strawberries I got from the Amish on Friday. I had a total of 6 lbs strawberries (okay it was 7lbs but I’m very rigid about quality control donchaknow?!)

I decided to make strawberry and apple jam as I used to love that – ‘im indoors had never heard of it! Philistine! He wasn’t too sure about it as he detests apple butter, as do I.

As it happens he’s quite fond of strawberry and apple mixed judging by the four honking great doorsteps of toast he’s just slathered with half a jar of it!

I like to crush the strawberries pretty well leaving only smallish lumps. The apple becomes invisible in the jam but you can still taste it beautifully. I made two batches and got 25 8oz jars. The last wasn’t quite full so I didn’t can it, I just left it to cool for immediate eating. It’s still warm and over half of it is gone. I’ll be washing that jar by this evening!

You’ll need:

3lbs crushed strawberries

1/4 cup lemon juice

6 tbsp pectin

7 cups granulated sugar

3 medium sized apples, peeled, cored and grated (I used gala)

12 (8 oz) glass jam jars with lids and bands

Set a large pot of water to boiling ready to can the jars.

Heat jars in simmering water until ready for use. Do not boil. I put them through the dishwasher!

Wash lids in warm soapy water and just set the bands aside. They don’t need washing.

Combine strawberries, apples and lemon juice in a large saucepan and stir the pectin in slowly.

Bring the fruit to a full rolling boil that can’t be stirred out. Stir constantly while doing this.

Add the sugar while stirring constantly. If someone else can pour the sugar slowly great, if not I add it in cupfuls, stirring each cupful until it isn’t visible and then keep stirring constantly to dissolve.

Bring the jam back to a full rolling boil. Boil hard for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim foam if necessary.

Ladle the jam into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace. (Do not ask a fella what this is – we all know what they think 8″ is!!!) Wipe the rim and set the lid on the jar then tighten the band to just finger tight.

Process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

Remove jars and cool.

Check lids for seal after 24 hours. Lid should not flex up and down when center is pressed.

If it doesn’t seal, you can either keep the jam in the fridge and use within 2 weeks or you can return to a pan and re process.

38 thoughts on “Strawberry and Apple Jam

      1. Lol. I use work as my alibi. No one ever knows how many hours, days, or what hospitals I’m working…so it’s perfect. It’s great for getting out of doing things too… “sorry, I’m on call tomorrow so I have to go to bed early”. “Sorry, I’m covering for someone starting at 7pm”. 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The little community near where I used to live have a communal phone in the barn next to the schoolhouse. It’s about a mile to a mile and a half from everyone and near the school which is important! I actually have them listed as ‘Amish Underground’ in my phone!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It does and it allows for a firmer set too. A lot of English recipes have equal amounts of both but I like my version because the apple can overwhelm the strawberries. Store versions are mostly apple because it’s cheaper but I still loved it!

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      1. Apple works well with blackberries too. In fact Apple and blackberry pies, crumbles and jams are totally English! My dad had me making jams and pies for him last September when I was visiting him. I think I made 2 dozen jars of jam and 14 pies for his freezer – he’s probably still wading through them!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I really want a PB&J tomorrow and I ran out of jam, so per usual – “Send me some, please?”
    I have to admit that apple and strawberry does sound weird.
    Many people rave about apple butter, but I think it’s far from the best thing ever. I have tried plum butter once though, and it WAS good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apple butter is – to me – quite vile. I don’t like the taste, texture, color or smell. The apple dissolves in the Jam, in all honesty, if you didn’t know it was there you probably wouldn’t taste it. It’s used inalot of commercial jams along with zucchini as a cheap filler but also because it’s a good source of pectin which helps jam set. I’m honest so I say it’s there!! Big brand manufacturers? Not so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post, my own question is this ………..

    “Check lids for seal after 24 hours. Lid should not flex up and down when center is pressed.”

    Would the seal not have been visible before? Can you still consume if the ‘seal’ is broken??? ha ha!

    By the way, l just can’t help it, l am drawn to your blog by a magnet or something – but how about the Celebration of Life with today’s 321 quote Me game – up for it [mm, on reflection that sounds and probably reads just plain naughty, but with your jam, where’s the harm in a little bit of naughtiness seal or not]


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m always up for the quotes challenge!!
      American jam jar lids aren’t one piece. I still find them a bit weird. They have a flat lid that just sits on the jar and then a screwtop band that covers the edges of the lid and sides. They look “normal” until you go to undo them! I think this is because they can stuff here more than we do… I had never ‘canned’ jam before moving here so I had to adjust to a new way of making jam!

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  3. Oooh! Strawberry apple jam sounds yummy. I made plain strawberry last week with my grandson (4 years old). He had a great time and took some home to his family. Gotta try adding apples. But. I have to disagree with you on the apple butter. I love it. Once a year.

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